If you’re looking for a tool to automate your morning patient assignment process and integrate with Epic, look no further.

You can find our patient assignment solution, Assign, in the Epic showroom here.

The Epic showroom is a place where established, credible vendors who have proven their interoperability with Epic can be found. This gives Epic customers more variety in choosing a vendor and, conversely, helps healthcare organizations feel more secure in choosing an Epic-approved vendor.

If I already use Epic, Why Do I Need to Look for Other Solutions?

EHRs like Epic are not built to handle robust patient assignment processes. With Assign, our automated patient assignment software, we can factor in a variety of things that are important to you, such as geography, maintaining continuity of care, or workload balancing. Healthcare professionals who try to do patient assignments in Epic are typically dragging and dropping patients or manually updating attending and provider teams.

Medaptus’ patient assignment solution, Assign, can support real-time patient data integration from Epic and send an accurate patient-to-provider relationship back into Epic. This will update the attending and/or treatment team assignments.

Now, you can immediately access the right data in the right workflow areas at the right time.

Some benefits of choosing a healthcare solution partner like  Medaptus who has proven interoperability with Epic:

  • Real-time data integration allows streamlined clinical and administrative operations.
    • Immediately know the accurate and up-to-date provider assignment to a patient.
    • Reduction in confusing communications from administrative and nursing staff on which provider is assigned when creating care and discharge plans, placing orders, and providing updates regarding the patient. We heard from care teams that they didn’t know who to ping when they had questions about the list.
    • Providers can round on patients sooner. This allows providers more time to plan their rounding plan based on the types of patients they have. This can increase the time to discharge, as providers can plan to see patients earlier if the rounding list is auto-populated in Epic.
  • Reduction in risk of missing a patient as Medaptus improves full patient census management.

With our inbound or outbound interfaces, we can automatically populate your rounding lists AND update the patient/provider relationships directly in your EHR. We can remove an often-overlooked manual burden so that after you create your rounding lists, the work is truly complete—a true labor savings across many departments. Check out our FAQ on integrating with Epic.

Final Thoughts

Your rounding list creation is now optimized based on reliable, intelligent rules all while keeping information in Epic up to date. Thanks, Epic Showroom!

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