The Costs of Creating Physician Rounding Lists Manually

Is your patient assignment process still a manual, time-consuming process? Creating daily physician rounding lists manually can be inefficient. How much does it cost you? 

In this infographic, learn the average costs of creating rounding lists manually and why an automated patient assignment solution like Assign can help solve these expensive problems.

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No Patient Assignment System? It’s Costing You! (See How Much)

Creating rounding lists manually comes at a cost. The process is inefficient and time-consuming. Let’s look at the metrics that could be costing your organization revenue.

Key Cost Metrics

$400K – Avg. Avoided Expense Due to Reduced Turnover

  • Average cost of physician turnover (could easily be up to $600K!)

Source: Today’s Hospitalist 2021 – The Staggering Cost of Physician Turnover.

$125 – Avg. Missing Charges

  • Average cost of a missing charge per day.

$450 – Avg. Cost of an Avoidable Day

  • Length of stay can increase by two or more days per patient for physicians with an unsafe workload.

Source: JAMA Intern Med 2014.

Burden: $50K – $100K

  • 3-4 hours per person to create a rounding list.
  • 1-4 people working on the rounding list at a time.
  • Average burden rate of individuals creating daily lists.

There’s a Better Way

The medaptus Assign patient assignment system is an automated patient assignment software. When you add up the cost of turnover, avoidable days, increased length of stay, and more, Assign delivers 10X or more ROI. 

Let’s find out how much you can save.

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